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Victor Politis

Victor has documented life in the streets since the 1970s, especially in the many countries where he returned regularly for his work as a pioneer developer of projects in difficult markets:

·     He published the first two coffee-table photography books in modern Nigeria and a smaller book about “Multiples”

·      He has held one-man exhibitions in London (twice), New York, Istanbul, Lagos, Old Jaffa (twice) and in Jerusalem

·      His photographs appeared in many international publications, including Wings Magazine (Nigeria), Hors Ligne (Switzerland), Marches Tropicaux (France), American Photo (USA)

·      He won his 1st International photography Award in the 90's from Canon

Education: Speaks 5 languages. Studied at the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus, Tel Aviv University, University of Massachusetts in Boston and The Sorbonne in Paris. Has always been interested in learning but not in diplomas in any particular subject. Has taught, lectured and mentored graduate students in New York, Tel Aviv and Lagos.

Personal: Was born in Volos, Greece. He lived for short periods in other countries, including England, Israel and France. Spent most of his life in Manhattan and now lives in Old Jaffa.